sexta, 03 julho 2015

Transfer pricing support services

VolverIn the current legal framework, with regards to transactions and contracts between group companies that you are currently carrying out or that you maybe are planning to perform, we want to highlight that these transactions should be reviewed from a transfer pricing perspective.

Both the Portuguese and the Spanish legislation contain a series of requirements; as well as the methods of assessment and the supporting documents and its interpretation can give raise to significant sanctions.

Thus, given our presence both in Spain and Portugal and our extensive experience in these countries as Tax and Corporate and Commercial Lawyers, we provide solid experience and comprehensive advice. We offer our services to advise you on any legal constraint in these countries.

Our work focuses on the analysis of the business group which the client belongs; the type of transactions performed taken into account the sector of the companies. We identify the entities concerned with the related party transactions and we also consider the prices and margins applied; as well as the fulfillment of the applicable rules in both countries, considering the transfer pricing methods.

Likewise, we have a wide experience in commercial contracts, we draw up and revise inter-company contracts and the review of the criteria applying to the inter-company transactions, among other matters that depend on the type of business group. Thereby, Belzuz Abogados provides a broad coverage to all kinds of companies.


Belzuz Abogados SLP

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Belzuz Abogados - Despacho de Madrid

Nuñez de Balboa 115 bis 1

  28006 Madrid

+34 91 562 50 76

+34 91 562 45 40

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Belzuz Advogados - Escritório de Lisboa

Av. Duque d´Ávila, 141 – 1º Dtº

  1050-081 Lisboa

+351 21 324 05 30

+351 21 347 84 52

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Belzuz Advogados - Escritório do Porto

Rua Julio Dinis 204, Off 314

  4050-318 Porto

+351 22 938 94 52

+351 22 938 94 54

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