quarta, 21 abril 2021

Belzuz Abogados analyses the new class action EU Directive with its INSURALEX partners

VolverBelzuz Abogados participated in the webinar organised by INSURALEX on the new EU Directive on representative actions for the protections of consumers. The Directive, issued by the end of 2020, aims to harmonize the different approaches to the protection of consumers legal regimes in Europe.

Along with Marta Olczak-Klimek (Poland), Alessandro Giorgetti (Italy), Andreas Weinzierl (Austria), Stephen Carter (UK) and Karl Weisheit and Danielle Gardiner (Lowers and Forensics), Ian Pérez (Spain and Portugal) analysed the legal regime and the procedural nuances of the collective actions for the protection of consumers and the potential impact of the new Directive in the national legislations. During the webinar, we tried to predict the impact of the new class action Directive in the insurance market and how it is going to reshape the landscape of the legal protection of consumers in Europe.




Belzuz Abogados SLP

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Belzuz Abogados - Despacho de Madrid

Nuñez de Balboa 115 bis 1

  28006 Madrid

+34 91 562 50 76

+34 91 562 45 40

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Belzuz Advogados - Escritório de Lisboa

Av. Duque d´Ávila, 141 – 1º Dtº

  1050-081 Lisboa

+351 21 324 05 30

+351 21 347 84 52

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Belzuz Advogados - Escritório do Porto

Rua Julio Dinis 204, Off 314

  4050-318 Porto

+351 22 938 94 52

+351 22 938 94 54

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