quinta, 30 março 2023

Seminar on New reform Portuguese's labor code and its comparison with Spanish Law - May 24 - 09:00 a.m. (Spain)


Belzuz Abogados S.L.P., is pleased to invite you to the Seminar on Labour Law compared Portugal - Spain, which will take place on 24 May 2023. This seminar will discuss the new changes to the Labour Code, the reform of which is expected to be published shortly. In this seminar we will have the participation of the accounting and payroll company, Nominaurea, which will also address some practical aspects of accounting in line with the reform.


2023.05.24 seminario laboral EN


inscripcion online EN




Presentation of Belzuz Abogados, S.L.P.


Presentation of Nominaurea - Consultoria Fiscal e Contabilidade, Lda.


Recruitment of employees

• Probationary period

• Duty of information

• Temporary contracts

• Temporary employment (ETT)

• Presumption of the existence of an employment contract in the field of digital platforms and the use of algorithms or artificial intelligence systems


Teleworking: essential changes, in particular costs -Nominaurea


Protection in parenthood


Extraordinary work - limit


Absence from work





• Increase of statutory compensation and new calculation formulas - Nominaurea

• Prohibition of waiver of employment credits

• Outsourcing


Questions / Clarifications


Closing of the Seminar


Luisa Cinca Gutiérrez

Luisa Cinca Gutiérrez
Director and Professional Partner

Belzuz Abogados SLP in Portugal


Pedro Gomez Rivera

Pedro Gómez Rivera
Head of the Labour Department

Belzuz Abogados S.L.P in España



Sonia Lopes Ribeiro

Sonia Lopes Ribeiro
Head of the Labour Department

Belzuz Abogados SLP in Portugal

Vera Madeira Duarte

Vera Madeira Duarte
Senior Lawyer of the Labour Department

Belzuz Abogados SLP in Portugal


Hélder machado

Hélder Machado
Director of Nominaurea - Consultoria fiscal e Contabilidade, Lda


Please register at the following link:


inscripcion online EN


This will be an online seminar. 

 Date: Tuesday, may 24th of 2023

Schedule: 09:00h (Spain)




Belzuz Nominaurea


Belzuz Abogados SLP

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Belzuz Abogados - Despacho de Madrid

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  28006 Madrid

+34 91 562 50 76

+34 91 562 45 40

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Belzuz Advogados - Escritório de Lisboa

Av. Duque d´Ávila, 141 – 1º Dtº

  1050-081 Lisboa

+351 21 324 05 30

+351 21 347 84 52

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Rua Julio Dinis 204, Off 314

  4050-318 Porto

+351 22 938 94 52

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